Codigo adsende anuncios

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Objeto Volador no Identificado (OVNI)

Objeto Volador no Identificado(OVNI). Unos minutos despues de la media noche durante algun dia de verano, me desperte y sali a mirar el cielo estrellado que en esas fechas permite ver en todo su esplendoralgunas de las constelaciones mas prominentes; orion. tauro. piscis, etc...

 Me encontraba observando los detalles luminosos del cielo, cuando de pronto escuche algun ruido detras de mi; algun gato perdido-pense. Quize volver mi mirada hacia el evento estelar que me tenia ocupadp, pero unas luces de color-rojo,amarillo,azul; captaron mi atencion. Provenian de un objeto al que se conoce como OVNI. 

Antes de ese instante solo habia visto algo parecido en la T V. Me quede pasmado. No quite mi vista de aquel objeto, durante los 10-12 segundos siguientes. Hasta el instante en que escuche el ruido de algun gato u otro animal detras de mi. 

Voltee mi cabeza para ver de que se trataba aquel ruido extraño; e inmediatamante vire hacia el objeto de mi admiracion, pero el objeto(OVNI)- habia desaparecido.

 Este evento, lo cuento cada vez que se me presenta la oportunidad,causando el exceptisismo de pocas personas y el asombro de muchas.,.

Friday, March 4, 2022

La Noche de las Luciernagas

Era la tarde de un dia de verano;el sol apenas se escondia detras del horizonte rojizo. La luz del dia, pronto seria reemplazada porla oscuridad de la noche. Chasquidos ultrasonicos, se dejaban escuchar en el ambiente; a los pocos minutos, estos eran mas agudos y en mas cantidad. destellos de luz (bioluminiscencia)-muchos volando otros sobre el suelo tupido de malesa-permeaban el ambiente. Con la mirada fija sobre un insecto destellante, pretendia seguirlo, sin embargo; de vez en vez algun otro insecto me obligaba a desviar mi mirada sobre el, perdiendole el rastro al primero. El espectaculo se repitio por varios dias hasta que un incendio forestal termino por acabar con el entorno natural amigable. un dia despues de este incidente forestal. los insectos yacian sobre el suelo; lo que el instinto de algunos otros animales los llevo a devorarlos. El ciclo se repetiria un año despues; la naturaleza obraba asi de una manera ciclica, año con año; no obstante, las viscicitudes cotideanas del presente se opondrian al desarrollo ciclico de la naturaleza.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Strange Voice From the Alley

Curiosity led him to enter the alley.  The strange events  that were taking place in that place aroused his curiosity with such interest, that he decide to explore by himself by spending one night surveilling. He wanted to prove to himself that any weird event would have a logical explanation.

He remained perched inside the garbage can in a corner at the end of the alley. It was the most remote and discreet place anybody could imagine. No one would notice his presence here. He left a bit of the trash can lid open, so as to allow him to observe outside. He discovered a stray cat, meowing for food, and just about to enter his hiding place.

Out of nowhere, a big truck approached and stopped in front of his hiding place with a squeal of tires. The front doors got open and two young men appeared. One of them hurries to open the back doors, while the other goes and opens the building door. With his gaze, John follows the man at the back of the truck with anxiety which soon turns into consternation when he sees two mummies.
The gloom of the moon allows him see better the action.

- Download them quick. I have the gate open.

-You can`t do that!

-Who said that?

-It must be your imagination. Hurry up! We don`t have enough time.

-Don`t touch me!.

-They`re talking.

Suddenly, the stray cat appeared inside the truck, meowing like crazy. Both men ran terrified towards the direction of the street without looking backwards, without realizing that they had just heard the voice from a furry inhabitant in the alley hidden inside a garbage can.

Friday, October 30, 2015


We saw him strolling right by us. Without noticing we were there, he continued walking down the street. It was very late at night, and by this time, he supposed to be in bed. He was a little kid whom we knew real well, as he was part of our gang; however, we had never seen him this late out of his home. His mother always would call him for supper at around 7 P.M., and eventually she would call him to remain inside home and for preparing for sleep.

He had walked half of one block, when we called him by his name.

¨Joseph, Joseph! ¨ we called him twice.

It was rare that he didn´t hear us. We called him again, but this time we raised the tone of our voice in conjunction; .

¨Joseph, Joseph ¨ there was no response.

This made us think that he was pretentiously playing a joke to us. He continued walking, putting distance between us and him. When he was about to get lost from our  sight, at the end of the block, we stood up and headed towards him. On our frenzy stampede, we continue calling him;

¨Joseph, Joseph, where are you going? ¨

It was obvious that he was not listening. One of us passed his hands in front of his eyes, but there was not response.

" He is asleep," someone said.

" Let´s take him home," another one exclaimed.
Suddenly, he stared at us with uncertainty and right after that he broke in tears. We hugged him and took him to his Mom

The following morning, at the playground, we saw him playing and having fun as if nothing had happened the day before. He probably did not remember the incident and none of us ask him anything.

This was the first time, I had seen someone walking while asleep in my entire life.

Flying in a Dream

It was a dark and lonely night; a forested landscape below abounded everywhere. The line of trees below did not allow staring beyond the cup of the trees. With a single flutter of hands, the man could displace himself along the summits of the trees, just like birds do. The feeling of hovering in the middle of a dark night was familiar to him.

" I have been here before," he would consider.

On the occassions he had had the same dream, he had always felt the sensation of having been there before and the experience of existence was unique at that moment. With a single agitation of his hands, he could elevate himself higher and higher in the firmament. Once above, he could gaze far away in the distance.

" I love this dreams; it´s the maximum freedom, " he would exclaim with delight.
The state of idleness, would cause him to lose altitude, so he would flap his hands harder, wanting to go higher. Soon, the dream would come to an end, when the stupor of tiredness totally triumphed on him.

In the morning, upon awakening;

"Uhhhh, I love to fly!" he exclaimed peering at the ceiling.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

La perrita parlante

¨manana, me voy a levantar a las 8:00 am., para continuar con el projecto de hoy¨. dije en voz alta

¨Gr, gr, gr¨ escuche por debajo de mi cama, situada cercas de la ventana.

Completo silencio.

Continue hablando en voz alta.

¨Gr, gr, gr¨  escuche de nuevo.

¨Esta bien, puedes hablar!¨

¨Gr, gr, gr¨ contesto.

¨ok!, pero no te voy a entender, si no me hablas en mi lenguaje¨ respondi.

¨Gr, gr, gr¨ replico.

Era mi perrita, quien se encontrana justo debajo de mi cama y acomodada para dormir.

¨Gr. gr. gr¨ gruno otra vez.

¨ok,¨ ya me voy a callar la boca

My Own

Friday, October 10, 2014

Unidentified Flying Object

Just after sunset, she was walking home coming from school, strolling through the dirt road, flanked by plantations and crystal clear streams. For her, it was enjoyable promenading the three kilometers of unpaved trail on a daily basis. 

Half a kilometer before reaching home, the appearance of a flattened, round and brightly colored object terrified her. She waited a few seconds but the object did not vanish from sight. She decided to take refuge behind a group of rocks. She remained there until the object withdrew, leaving no trace. 

Stunned, she recounted the incident to her family members, causing astonishment and skepticism among them. Nobody could beleive an unidentified flying object (UFO) could had come half of a kilometer from their home.